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Zebra Skull

Zebra Skull

Regular price $240.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $240.00 USD
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No two Zebra have the same striping, as in fingerprints in humans the stripes of Zebra are unique to an individual. The southern Burchell's Zebra has a distinctive shadow brown stripe in the white stripe, a characteristic which diminishes the further north they occur. 

Skulls are of Collectors grade. Includes top and bottom jaw with full set of teeth. 

Dimensions approximately: 45cm x 30cm

Scientific name: Equus quagga

It is the buyer's responsibility to know and understand their local and state laws and regulations when purchasing and taking ownership of any specific taxidermy product. Seller will take no legal responsibility on sales and shipments made to restricted locations governing local and or state laws.  
 ALL these animals will have NATURAL imperfections as all AFRICAN animals do, from the wild land they live in.
Directly imported from South Africa, cleared by Customs and USFWS and is legal to own anywhere in the world. 
The item has been hand selected for quality and has been professionally processed by qualified licensed tannery and certified by a government appointed veterinarian. 
We highly discourage and are against the trade of endangered species.
These items are NOT an endangered species and can be exported worldwide without a CITES permit in terms of the Nature Conservation Ordinance of 1983.  
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